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9 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Introducing Siirt Province 4

Ilyas bin assigned to the conquest of 639 Elcezire'nin Gane, Siirt, Diyarbakir When he opened the site of the Islamic mujahidin have undergone the same fate. Memoranda of Diyarbakir in important services, Khalid Bin Al-Walid, victorious after the Battle of Hasankeyf walked Siirt, the then ruler of the city by offering Hersolu obedience, the city was delivered. Siirt Hakimliği'ne After that, the Hişşam companions of the Prophet's son was appointed referee.
Founded in 661 the Umayyad Caliphate in the region was under the domination of Siirt. After the Umayyads, Abbasids seized the caliphate authority, Diyarbakir, Siirt and Silvan also seized.
First region is a religiously important "external" Merkezi'ydi. IX.Yy. from denominations through the Hanbali and Maliki, Sunni, Mervanoğulları şafiîlik period, the Turks began to spread Hanefilik, then gradually disappeared şafiî'lik Mervanoğulları period. Region, the Arab - Islamic culture period, the Turks took effect.
Anatolian Seljuk and Ottoman Period:
The Turks began to settle in Anatolia after the Battle of Manzikert and against the will of the Great Seljuk State was established under the Turkish devletçikleri. Siirt region, Hasankeyf Artukid management. It bears on the Turkmen nomads settled in the region, Artuqid lords and soldiers, have formed the core of Turks in cities. Alpine lords, faith, Yağbu use names such as the Turks, Turkmen Geleneği'nin Artuklular'da the strength of the show. Head oymaklara "ok" Sending in the form of Tradition in Central Asia Artuklar'da continued.
Economically and culturally dominated by the Safavids after Artuklular'dan Siirt. Turkmen in the region has placed Akkoyunlus. Safavid period in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia şiî'lik widespread. Yavuz Sultan Selim, who want to break the influence of Shiism in Anatolia, Malatya and Diyarbakir from the Lake Urmia region dating back to the Ottoman Empire wanted to connect. For this, the famous scholar of Kurdish origin, with the help of Idris-i Bitlisi Siirt was the Ottoman administration. During this period, half of Siirt, the autonomous management of the gentlemen, is a place dominated by the tribal culture.
XVI.Yy. in the Ottoman administration of Siirt, the government remained committed to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

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