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9 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Introducing Siirt Province 5

Siirt İli Resimleri
XIX.Yy. until the second half of the remaining so-called commitment to the state a considerable effort has been made for the receipt of state authority Beyleri'nin Siirt. Siirt, a very tightly managed by this date. However, after the Reformation brought into the accident with the statute of 1864 the County was governed by means of governors sent from Istanbul.
19. Siirt century:
XIX.Yy. Sason'da on a single political event that occurred in Siirt in 1894 the Armenian uprising occurred. Russia and Iran-Armenian Committees and the instigation of the rebellion in the event encountered. This situation was forced to take tough measures against the Ottoman Empire. Sason uprising mobilized in Britain. Because, the Armenian issue, Russia and Britain in the conflict of interests merged. Armenians seeking independence from Britain, Russia, the Armenians were in favor of joining Russia. Committee on Committees with the aim of the Tashnak Armenian Hinchak Center in Tbilisi, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in Russia and all the Armenians in Iran was to combine the establishment of an independent Armenian State.
Although satisfied with such a purpose in Britain, Russia, absolutely opposed.
8 August 1884 Sason'un festival village, the Kurds began with a few sheep events gasbetmesi, girişmesi massacre of Armenians by the Turkish villages expanded.
Armenian government officials, tax avoidance and passive resistance to make the expansion of events has been effective in previous agreements.
II initiated the uprising of the Armenians. VI appointed by Abdulhamid. The army suppressed.
During this phase of the Ottoman Empire, Siirt Yöresi'nde usually dominated by a semi-autonomous polity. In 1831 the Ottoman census records, XIX.Yy. the Siirt Yöresi'nde Hazzo (Kozluk) 's province of Diyarbakir, a government determined to be connected.
Accidents in the province of Siirt, which is one of today şirvan (şirve) included within the brigade as the Van Province.
Provincial Regulations 1867, show that depending on Province of Diyarbakir, Siirt Livası'nın.
Livası'nın Siirt, Central accident, Pevvan (Bervade) and Garzan (Kurtalan'ın old settlement, the current Yanarsu District) had a total of 3 accidents.
In 1877, the Central Accident, Eruh, Shirvan, and Sason'dan Rızyan ensign consisting of Siirt, Diyarbakir Province of tied. Siirt, in 1880, he retained the status of the managerial.
1892 State Salnamesi, Siirt, Diyarbakir Province separated from the Sandzak, refers to connecting to the province of Bitlis.

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